segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012

Livro #14

"The greates raid off all" alguem o disse e diz tudo.
89 decorations were awarded for the raid. This total includes the five Victoria Crosses awarded. Other decorations awarded were four Distinguished Service Orders, four Conspicuous Gallantry Medals, five Distinguished Conduct Medals, 17 Distinguished Service Crosses, 11 Military Crosses, 24 Distinguished Service Medals, and 15 Military Medals. Four men were awarded the Croix de Guerre by France and another 51 men were mentioned in dispatches.
Isto em 265 comandos e 300 da Royal Navy diz tudo. O raide com mais medalhas alguma vez distribuidas...
Muito bom de se ler, muito gráfico, muitas fotos, muitos desenhos, gosto bastante pois transporta o leitor para a acção muito mais facilmente...

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